Organizational Culture and Values
- We're holistic: Our work encompasses the entire period from preconception through childhood, and more. Nurturing children is not the responsibility of parents alone. It is the responsibility of each and every one of us. The child, family, and community are interdependent aspects of the whole and collectively impact the wellbeing of our planet.
- We collaborate: We are committed to sharing information and resources in a collaborative, participatory style that offers a springboard for dialog, support, and action. We draw on the collective wisdom of professionals and parents alike, to identify and expand possibilities, and generate support and action plans.
- We are connected: We are committed to supporting one another in practicing the quality of connection we want for ourselves and for all children. In this, we follow a set of guidelines intended to sustain and promote the authentic and heartfelt communications that characterize our gatherings.
- We are about healing: Our mission is about caring for children and also about caring for the child within each of us. Parenting affords us endless possibilities to explore and heal the wounds we carry from our own childhood that keep us from living wholeheartedly in the present moment. To the extent that we can be conscious of and deal with the source of our own feelings and motivations as we relate to our child, we will be able to respond to our child's needs in an appropriate and healthy manner.
- We are a virtual organization: We function primarily as a virtual organization, with members in the US, Canada, South Africa, England, and Australia; we communicate primarily by email, telephone conference calls, and in person whenever possible.